Excellent Cities and the IGMA index, the public management compass

Excellent Cities is a pioneering methodology created to enhance the efficiency of public management. To measure the excellence level of a city, we created the IGMA Index, based on an in-depth survey of 450 global cities, identifying the main factors that lead a city to be outstanding to live in. The IGMA is a technology …

5 practical steps to implement Zero-Based Budgeting in your organisation

Created by the American accountant Peter Pyhrr when he was a controller at Texas Instruments from 1969 to 1971, Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB) became one of the most used methodologies to manage costs and expenses in all types of organisations. Although ZBB is always relevant to highlight wastage in businesses, historically it has been more utilised …

The path to excellence in management

Businesses are driven by dreams and ambition. An organisation’s competitive future is built by setting and aligning goals, which should happen via a sustainable path to achieve Excellence in Management. To accomplish this there are these 8 essential steps: First, the business’s ambitions for the next 3 to 5 years must be defined. What does …

How to set a goal?

Goals are an important tool for organisations to meet their objectives. Although goals help assessing the work of employees and are a useful instrument to instigate meritocracy, their main role is to ensure that the team is committed to follow the path determined by management. The first step to create meaningful goals is to establish …

The importance of improvement teams

One of the activities that the Aquila consultants assist our clients with is the implementation of Improvement Teams. These are multidisciplinary groups of people that work together focused on improving a specific result. Improvement Teams are a great tool to solve problems (treat anomalies or improve current results) by working to identify the root causes …

Time to bring it home!

It is worthless to establish challenging goals if the organisation does not have a systemic routine for following up results. The discipline in the result’s follow up is the key for success in reaching goals. According to the Harvard Business Review, 90% of strategies fail due to problems in the execution. Many companies do not …